Thursday, December 2, 2010

The calm before the storm...

Three years ago, We were blessed by an amazing little guy. In utero, this munchkin was a lively spirit showing he already had a mind of his very own. He also amazed the world, and his mommy, by his size. Even Dr. Westmoreland did more than her usual number of ultrasounds just to make sure there was ONLY one baby in there!! He was a big boy!

T2 has been and still is such a joy. He loves so many things. He loves airplanes and can spot one in the sky from a million miles away. It can be a sliver in the sky and he can and WILL see it. He is addicted to trains and construction vehicles of any make and size. He loves to fish with Daddy, he loves dirt, he loves bugs and worms and he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his binky! I understand that drug addiction is not funny so excuse my reference but it IS his crack! OH, he loves his binky!!!

Did I mention that he loves his binky?

In the past week, literally, T2 (as we lovingly call him) has begun to stutter. It is not a normal part of development for all children but it is uncommon by any means. However, it has taken our leisurely approach to the withdrawal of the binky up a notch. The binky most likely has nothing to do with the stuttering but we would prefer to have nothing standing in his way while we deal with the speech issue AND we should mention he is three...tis time. **sigh**

Five days ago we began counting down for little Tim. Tomorrow is trash day. So, with that in mind, we began the countdown on Monday. So far, each day it goes like this.

"OK,( four) more days until we what??"
"Throw my binky in trash??"
"That's right...because you are a big boy now, right?"
"I don't want too. "

So, here we are. One more sleep until the trash man comes. Mommy is in full panic mode. I literally find myself holding my breath sometimes when I think of tomorrow. I was asked if I was sad and I am but not because he is growing up. I am sad because I know he will be sad. I am sad because I know he truly loves his binky and i will have to deny him something he truly finds comfort in. And that hurts my heart. It breaks it actually. YES, i know it is for his good and YES i know it is time. I get that. However, in my mommy heart, I am denying him something that he finds security and comfort in and that makes a sad I cannot describe.

So, I planned it out that tomorrow Mr. Trash man will take them all because mommy is weak. :) Tonight, I will gather all the ones he does not sleep with and place them in a special spot so we can walk them out to the trash together in the morning. (Pics to follow) I am holding my breath already...

God, bless my baby boy with peace and calm and and understanding that can come only from you. He is, after all, only a baby...My baby and yours. He will not understand from my words why he cannot have his precious binky so give him peace and understanding only you can give. Bless me with patience and with the right words and actions when he does not understand, when he is sad, and when I am sad too. Lord, I pray this goes well and that in the end, We as a family can show what amazing feat you have done when we tell the story of

The Binky Blog.


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